Snälla Morfar där uppe...
♥Ta hand om vårt Änglabarn♥
The hardest part
I never knew...
Was that little one you´d take
But Lord i trust you now
I know that you are good
And Jesus,
I was wondering
if you would
Hug him once for me
Hold him up real close
Let him sit upon your knee and
Tell him all the things we´d teach him
About you
Whisper in his ear
One more simple truth
Tell him that you love him
And that we love him too...
1 year, 10 months, 1 week and 2 days since you became an Angel
We miss and love you our Angel Quintin

Moster lär aldrig glömma bort dig Q.
Du hade vart en fin lille/storebror till dina syskon som saknar dig i massor.

matilda ♡
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Kraam! :)